We’re Hiring! Part-time Executive Director wanted for Slow Food in the Tetons

7 09 2011

We are seeking a part-time Executive Director (estimated 10 hours per week to start with room for growth). Click here to download a detailed job description in pdf format. Applications will be accepted through Thursday, Sept. 15th, with an estimated start-date at the end of September. Please send a resume, one-page letter of intent, and 2 references to Nancy at tetonslowfood@gmail.com. Call Board President Sue Muncaster 307-690-3509 if you have questions.

Slow Food in the Tetons Mission:
Slow Food in the Tetons seeks to create dramatic and lasting change in our local food system. Through education, events, and initiatives we reconnect with the people, traditions, plants, animals, fertile soils and waters that produce our food. We seek to inspire a transformation in food policy, production practices, and market forces so that they ensure equity, sustainability, and pleasure in the food we eat.



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